I Ching Explorer

Privacy & Confidentiality
in IChing.com Online Divination Services
  • General Terms
    • Your Privacy & Confidentiality is a top priority for us. At IChing360.com we collect from you only a minimum information absolutely necessary to provide you with our online divination services.
    • Information you share with us will never be sold, shared or exchanged with any 3rd party company, domestic or international.
    • We will never contact you directly with any soliciting, advertising or other marketing activities.
  • Data Privacy and Security
    • Data in Transit Security. Your communication with IChing360.com web site is absolutely safe and secure - we use a banking level SSL encryption with TLS 1.2 security to protect your information while transmitting data via internet to and from our web servers.
    • Data at Rest Security. For your convenience and at your full discretion, your divination results can be stored in your personal Casting Journal in our database server. Rest assured, your casting journal is available only to you and requires your login name and password to access. Questions to IChing360.com Oracle you decided to save are stored in our database in safe, encrypted form.
    • Data Retention. We don't keep archives of our customer data. Your casting results, your login history information and any other data potentially related to your activities at IChing360.com Divination Portal get automatically deleted one week after you subscription is expired. So, if you want to keep these data for your personal use we encourage you to periodically save your casting data in your local computer or in other data storage of your choice.
  • Governing Law
    • Data Privacy and Confidentiality in IChing360.com Digital Goods & Services is governed by the laws of United States of America and you agree to be bound by the laws and to submit to the jurisdiction of the Federal Court of the USA in the case of any disputes.
    • Nothing in our Digital Service is an offer to provide goods or services in any place if to do so would be in any way unlawful in that place. You must not access a Digital Service from such a place or use it in a way that would result in a breach of a law of that place.