I Ching Explorer

If you are new to I Ching or just want to stick to tradition and to go with I Ching's mainstream as it exists today, then this section is for you
You will be able to initiate virtual I Ching hexagram casting and get your target hexagram.
Once you get your hexagram you can proceed to hexagram reading and interpretation of I Ching answer to your question. Your reading will include one orbit of 5 base satellite hexagrams, related to original, casted hexagram.
If your casted hexagram has moving lines, then the related progressed hexagrams - one for each moving line - will be shown as well.
If you want to explore additional dimensions of I Ching and to take more control over the casting and reading process - use this section.
You will get a selection of casting techniques, choosing from 3 Coins Method (Traditional and Advanced), Classic Yarrow Stalks and Manual Entry of hexagram (if you already casted it by yourselves).
Once you get your hexagram you can proceed to hexagram reading and interpretation of I Ching answer to your question. Your reading will include additional, new orbit of 3 transformational hexagrams in addition to 5 satellite hexagrams from base level reading.
If you are the experienced I Ching Master and want to explore new, modern dimensions of I Ching - you are in the right place.
You will get a rich selection of traditional and modern casting techniques, which will allow you to choose a technique you believe better suits you and better connects Diviner and Divine.
Once you get your hexagram you can proceed to hexagram reading and interpretation. Your reading will include three orbits of total 16 transformational hexagrams and will open new venues for you in interpretation and understanding I Ching answer to your inquery.